Das verlinkte Dokument dient als offene Austauschmöglichkeit für (pragmatische) Ideen und (kreative) Umgangsformen mit und in der Corona-Krise.

Gift fence with supplies for people who are not doing financially well in Berlin

Bolzano-Bozen, Nachbarschaftskino

organizing neighbourhood help

What to do when climbing walls / halls are shut down?
× Wie kann die Situation von Corona-PatientInnen / Risikogruppen verbessert werden?
× How could we improve the life of corona patients / high-risk groups?
× How could we improve the life of corona patients / high-risk groups?
× Welche simplen Do-It-Yourself- oder Do-It-Together-Methoden können jetzt helfen?
× What are simple DIY (do-it-yourself) or digital DIT (do-it-together) practices that help hande the situation?
× What are simple DIY (do-it-yourself) or digital DIT (do-it-together) practices that help hande the situation?
× Wie gehst Du mit Einsamkeit (in Quarantäne) um?
× What is your strategy fighting loneliness?
× What is your strategy fighting loneliness?
× Wie bleibst Du (in Quarantäne) hoffnungsvoll?
× What is your strategy for staying hopeful?
× What is your strategy for staying hopeful?
× Wie gehst Du mit Langeweile (in Quarantäne) um?
× What is your strategy fighting boredom?
× What is your strategy fighting boredom?
× Welches ist Dein liebstes Krisenkochrezept? Beachte die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit bestimmter Zutaten!
× What is your favorite (and simple) recipe (with availabe ingredients) for the time in quarantine?
× What is your favorite (and simple) recipe (with availabe ingredients) for the time in quarantine?